Monday, August 2, 2010

Would You Vote For This Woman?

Would you vote for this woman? I am getting sick of Jillia Gillard and the Labour party lies. It is like she was not deputy PM when the so called programme for building school buildings which has become a joke. With buildings costing three to four times what they should be along with schools getting buildings that they don't want, can't use or didn't need. How about the home insurlation scheme. Four people dead from piss poor training of installers by fly by night companies that now have lelf God know how many homes as death traps waiting to go up in flames. Then there the super profit tax on mining that looked like destorying the one thing that helped kind this country out of trouble when the rest of the world went down the toilet.
So where was Jillia? Was she in the little girls room powering her nose when cabinet where meeting. Was she under the desk looking for her pen that she dropped? Come on wake up just because Labour put the knife into Kevin's back doesn't change anything. It is the some old Labour party and there is nothing new. You can polish a turd till it shines but it is still a turd!

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