Friday, March 25, 2011

Rightwing extremists,wind farms and the two headed monster

Well anyone who showed up at Canberra rally against the so called Carbon Tax where labeled extremists by our PM Where was she on the day At a PR stint on a wind farm outside the national capital. So we should all shut up and let this government destroy Australia on a tax on the so called polluters. I know what the "polluters" are going to do Shut up shop and move overseas to countries like China who will turn a bind eye to anything as long as there is money to be made or pass the buck onto the public thought higher prices. This is bared out by IPART which stated that electricity in New South Wales would need to rise by 64% over three years in part to a Carbon Tax.
And if electricity goes up what about petrol. After all doesn't cars and trucks put out carbon. This would make running the family car more expensive and don't forget all those goods which are moved by truck everyday well be hit by this Tax.
Don't panic as we all be compensated by tax cuts WHAT? we rob Peter to pay Paul come on who is buying this bullshit? Well if two headed monster get it way we can kiss this great country of Australia goodbye because we well make nothing and all we will do is export everything offshore and have nothing to show for it. If this makes me an extremist than so be it

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