Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not Affiliated With The Monster Mad Raving Loony Party

First up I would like to thank Ladythinker for the title of this post. Gave me a good laugh reading that. Yes I do know of the Monster Mad Raving Loony Party! Maybe I should put a link up to the web site.
Been reading Inspector Gadget Blog. Why do we need pubs and clubs open for 24 hours. It only seems to leads to the problems. One idiot on TV went on about how shift workers like to go out after work. Come on! I have worked a number of jobs where doing shift work and I can tell you when I got off work in the early hours of the morning the last thing I wanted to was going to the pub for a beer. This type of thinking has lead to some places in Sydney becoming no go zones after dark. When will this madness stop? I guest when so called M.P. wake up to themselves but that not go to but anytime soon.

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