Wednesday, October 22, 2008

In at the deep end

Well here I go my first blog. Who am I? Well I 36 years old at the time of this and I am on what is called the Disability Support Pension. This means I have a medical reason why I can't work. This sounds like fun but I can tell you it is not. The money does not go far as there are bills to pay and on top of this is the pain which stops me form working. Ok maybe I should tell you the story of how I got here.
At the age of 12 I was coming home form my friend place. As I crossed the road in front of my house I was hit by a car. The car was going at well over a 100km an hour. I was lucky to be alive and spent the next month in hospital. This has left me with a number of problems.
I still finished school and worked on and off for a number of years doing anything I could. Security, cleaning, ward orderly and then nursing. It was three years ago that I started to lose feeling in my right and the back pain got worst. This lead to me going to my doctor. Who sent me for a cat scan of my lower back which revealed a ruptured disc. I know now that I have not one but three ruptured discs. This makes life hell. I am always in pain because of it and I am losing feeling in my right leg and my hands.
Well that my two cents for now.

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