Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thank you Bonds so we want our 18 million back

Thank you Bonds (Pacfic Brands) so we Australia would like the 18 million dollars in grants that you happily took from the government to kept manufacturing in this country was one big joke on us.Now you sack 1850 people and are going to China. Well like a lot of my fellow countrymen (and women) I brought into your lies and would wear bonds with pride as I was helping kept jobs in this great land. Reading how your CEO Sue Morphet tripled her salary while giving workers their marching orders. All in the name of profit. Now I feel like shit! So I am behide the Transport unions with their plan blockade any shipment of manufacturing equipment to China. So I call on anyone reading this to not buy any Pacific Brands products and for me well Bonds can go get Fucked for doing a thing like this.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


All we wanted is a rail link to Leppington! but the New South Wales Govnerment which is planing to have 330 000 new houses to be built by 2020 in the Camden area which this railway line would have served was dropped due to buget cuts and what do we get. Money for 40 buses. The main roads into Camden are cogged already now with the grow in this area it's only going to get worst.40 buses is not the answer.