Friday, January 30, 2009

Doing this on a Mac

Doing this on a Mac mini as my Compaq PC has died. God it was only been two years and it has packed it in. Just lucky I had the Mini or I would have been F@#$ed. The only problem is there is alot of work on my PC which I will have to work out how to get to some how? As for getting another PC, we will see?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Oz day 2009

Well here we are again Australia Day. Our national holiday where we get a day off and celebrate been Australian. Some would like to move it because it might offend the Aborigines. Yes lest waste money on a government committee working that one out. Well did the Australian thing and throw a few lamb chops on the BBQ then sent a SMS to my New Zealand friend Ham telling him to F@#& off back back home."How Australian is that!" Happy Australia Day.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

God it's Hot

God it's hot! The last week or so we been getting over 35c with the temp hitting 41c and there more days like this to come. Thank God I got the small pool up. It's not big but man it better then frying to death. Thinking of going fishing but I think I leave it till after the school holidays so I don't have to deal with the traffic.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Thank You Rosemeadows Idiots

Thank you idiots on the Rosemeadows' 3M housing estate for making Campbelltown and people who live in Government housing look like inbred morons. If they don't like the police around everyday then stop what you fucking doing As for the minster for housing going on about this type of behaviour will not be tolerated! We have heard that one before. Is there not a small island off the coast of say Antarctica where we can send these people and their so called parents?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Survived Another Year!

Well here we are. I survived another year. The dickhead neighbours at the back did what they do every holidays have a party till the small hours with loud music and their light right on own bedroom windows so we had little or no sleep on New Years. It's not like we have not talked to them about it on a number of times. they just idiots who think they above everyone and show little empathy to others.Why?just because we live in government housing and they own their home.
We have call the police a numbers but that does nothing. I not blaming the coppers as they are just doing their job which is not easy in this part of the world but you think if the police show up time after time that you get the hint or is my fellow man that dumb are well happy new year to everyone :)